Thecontrast between Chinese and English in color
1.Abstract:What is a word? The perfect definition of word has always beencontroversial. A hundred people a hundred viewpoints. Differentlinguists have different views in word definition. Personally, Iprefer the definition that a word is a minimal free form of alanguage that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function. Itis agreed that a word is the combination of word-form and itsmeaning.’ form’ refers to both its pronunciation and spelling.’meaning’ is what the form stands for. Linguists study the meaningof words or expressions in different way. Geoffrey Leech pursues thestudy of meaning under seven types: conceptual meaning, connotativemeaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning,collocative meaning, thematic meaning. Different countries, becauseof the different culture or other aspects . The same meaning of wordswill use different form in different country. The same definition ofwords may have different associative meaning. My point here is tocontrast the color’s associative meaning in different cultures. Dueto the cultures’ different, the same color represents differentassociative meaning. Because of the difference in color’associative meaning, many people have always a wrong understanding ofmany
colorwords. Therefore, they sometimes make a foolish figure。Inorder to
reducethese unnecessary misunderstanding and ambiguity, I want to analyzethe different color senses in different cultures (here, I would liketo put the focus on Chinese and English).The method that I will taketo analyze the difference is contrast. With this analytical method,we can see those differences more clearly.
2.Keyword: words, culture, color, associative meaning
1.1 Language is one of the most important forms to express culture.The famous American linguists Edward Sapir has said: Language cannotbe existed if it separated from cultural and c annot be separatedfrom social practice and all sorts of inherited faith. This kind ofpractice and the general belief determines the nature of our lives.The vocabulary system loaded with cultural information. Vocabulary isinfluenced and restricted by ethnic social situation, religiousbeliefs, customs, concept of value, aesthetic factors and so forth.And we can see national cultural condition through Vocabulary. So"vocabulary is national
culturefossil". Because vocabulary is national culture fossil,thatmeans ethnic
culturecontainsin vocabulary。Colorwords and term are tightly bound into
cultureand emotions and have strong cultural connotations. Since the1970’sthe study of culture meaning, values, connotations of color hasdeveloped into a special area of study amongst multi-disciplinarianscientists from the fields of Anthropology, Linguistics andNeurologist. The “anthropology of color’ is an increasinglycommon subject in scholarly journals (Comparative Readings of Englishand Chinese). In my paper, For this view I will make a carefulelaboration.
1.2Theorganization of this paper
Inmy following elaboration, I intend to talk about seven significantcolors.
1Colorof black
2Colorof red
3Color of white
4Color of yellow
5Color of blue
6Color of green
7Color of pink
Bothin Chinese and in English cultures. Black generally means dark,solemnity, and grime. Black has both positive and negativeassociations but they trend toward the negative. In china,
‘hei’always means unlucky, and always let people think of unhappy things.The
derivationof black is related to bad, unlucky, disaster and evil, such as‘heibang’
andso on. All these bad words are related to ‘hei’. Black in englishrefers to death, unlucky, omen, disaster. The words include black arealmost bad meaning. Such as black words, black man, black guard,black mark, a black eye, black dog, to wear black for her father, ablack letter day, black deed, black sheep, black look, black mood,black coffee, etc.
Butdifferent from Chinese, black in English also has positive meaning.Black can represent respect, serious as well as profits. For example,black figure in the black, interest in the black. Although, ‘hei ’in Chinese and ‘black’ in English have the similar meaning. Theystill have something that different. So we should pay more attentionon it.
Redis the ‘universal color’ .It is found in every culture and everylanguage. It is the color of blood. It is the color of fire. It is inseparable form both life and death. In Chinese and in Englishculture, ‘hongse’ and ‘red’ are generally suggestive ofenthusiasm, celebration, happy, remembrance and so on. And in china,it also represents loyal, brave, firm and frank. In China, red isused on happy days and at all of life’s festivals. For example, forSpring Festival people will decorate their entrance door withcouplets on both sides of the walls beside the doorway. Thesecouplets are on red paper and bear auspicious prayers for the comingyears. Some families may hang a big red lanterns, attach red papercuts on there windows and set red firecrackers. In Chinese traditionwedding, almost things that are prepared for wedding are red, redwedding clothes, red bed red candle, red sedan red shoes and so on.Red is used for any celebration, it is symbolic of good fortune.Every Chinese people love red. In English, there are little thingsthat related with red are good, except the red-blood man, the redcarpet, which related with celebration. In western culture, red is aextremely derogatory word. It links with blood, fire and so on. Itsymbolizes cruel and ferocious, blood, dangerous and nervous. Forexample, red hot political campaign, the red rules of tooth and claw,a red revolution and nervous. For example, red revenge, a red battle,red alert, a red flag, a red adventure story. It even more symbolizesdissolute and obscene, such as a red waste of this youth, a red lightdistrict. And in business field, red means loss. For example, in thered, red also express emotion, in this aspect, there are littledifference in Chinese and in English, they also express the feelingsof shy, inspiring, angry. For instance, in Chinese, there are‘nianhong’(脸红),‘mianhongerchi’(面红耳赤).In English, there are ‘to become red faced’, ’her face turnedred’, ‘see red’. ‘red rag’, ‘red blooded’. Inpolitical, the two different cultures have different senses of red inthis aspect. In Chinese political thought, ‘red’ means ‘red-wing’or conservative. In English ‘red’ means ‘left-wing’ orsocialist. The path of political expression and translation can bestrewn with such pitfalls.
WhileChinese and English users both share associative meanings toward‘WHITE’ and ‘BLACK’ there are some differences. Chinese ‘bai’has some difference associative meanings from English. In Chineselanguage, ‘bai’ always contains the meanings of ‘in vain’,‘despise’, ‘unworthiness’. It refers to these derogatorysenses, such as ‘baioda’(白搭),‘baisong’(白送),‘baiyan’(白眼).But in English countries, which always related to good, lucky things.People in western countries consider that white is elegant and pure.White represents glorious, nice, wish, happy, and so on. For example,white knight, white lie, white man, a white day. The ceremonial useof the color white has different senses in there two differentculture, likewise. In China, white is the traditional color offunerals. In English speaking countries, it is the color of wedding.It is not uncommon for an entire bridal party to be dressed totallyin white! English people use white in their weddings, because whitein china are only used for funerals.
Inancient china, ‘huang se’ (yellow) is the royal’s proprietarycolor. It represents the honor authority. But now, yellow’s meaningchanges. It often contains derogatory sense. When it refers toyellow, people often think of corrupt,
pornographic,obscenities, etc. Such as’huang se dian ying’(黄色电影),‘huangse
shukan’(黄色书刊),‘huangse yin yue’(黄色音乐)andso on. In English,
yellowalways contains derogatory sense, too. Its pejorative connotationoriginates in the United States. In 18thcentury, American always use yellow paper to print some noveletishesbooks, which is called the yellow publications. Yellow in English notonly means obscene, but also means jealousy, suspicion, timid andannoying. For example, yellow-dog, yellow-livered, yellow looks,yellow steak, yellow journalism. But, yellow in English has someneutral usages. For instance, yellow pages refer to the shops,restaurants and institutions directories. Yellow alert meanspreparing air-raid warning, in football match yellow card meanswarning. Because yellow has so many different meanings, we should useit cautiously.
Thereis a big difference in the meaning of blue between China and Englishcountries. In China, blue means open and quiet. In China, blue oftenreminds people of the blue sky, blue sea and make people feelcomfortable and quiet. However, blue in English extremely has theopposite meaning. Blue is often associated with melancholia. Italways refers to the bad mood, somber mood and in many cases is asorrowful pronoun. For example, blue music, in a blue mood, havingthe blue, blue Monday, be blue about the prospect. Otherwise, bluealso has some other meanings. Blue in English often involves to highsocial status and noble identity. Such as, blue book, blue blood.Some use of blue may in fact have no sense of ‘blue’ in theirmodern expression. Such as, blue-prints. Blue sometimes refers tocomparative obscene meaning. Such as, make a blue joke,
Bothin china and in English countries, green is used to signify hope,safe, peaceful. People use green light to show security trafficsignals, extended from the green card. Beside, green can beassociated with life, fruits, vegetables, horticultural and so on. Inchina, beside the meanings above, green has the
derogatorysense. For example, ’lǜmao zi’(绿帽子),whichmeans somebody’s
wifehave secret communication with other male. But we can not translate‘绿帽
子‘in‘to wear a green hat’ but in ‘to be a cuckold’. In englishgreen is most
commonlyseen as the color of jealousy in reference to green with envy,green-eyed monster or green-eyed, such as greenback, green power.Green in English also has the moaning of novice, amateur, noexperience, simple. For example, he is still green to his job. Do yousee anything green in my eye? A green horn. And green is the symbolof energy and vigor, such as a green old age, to remain greenforever.
InChinese culture, pink also calls a peach blossom color. Pink symbolswomen. In western culture, pink symbolizes essence and acme. Such as,the pink of perfection, the pink of politeness. And it alsosymbolizes the upper-class society. Eg, pink lady, pink tea, apink-collar worker.
Languageis protean, word also is protean.Because of the word is protean,It is difficult for us to fully grasp the meaning of the word and itsconnotative meaning. And each nation of culture is different, so thesame definition of words will have different implied meaning. This ismore difficult for us to grasp the vocabulary. So, in order to have abetter understand of the meaning behind the vocabulary, we had betterlearn its culture.
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《生命列车》The Train Of Life |
1. 不久以前,我读了一本书。1. Not long ago, I read a book, in which a man’s life was 书中把人生比作一次旅compared to a journey. 2. The life of a man is just like a 行。hitchhiking,during which 2. 人生一世,就好比是一次many times we go up and down. Now and then things 搭车旅行,要经历无数次will happen accidently, some 上车、下车; 时常有事故of which are to be unexpected excitement, while some 发生; 有时是意外惊喜,heart-breaking sorrows. 3. When first embraced the 有时却是刻骨铭心的悲world,we are already on the 伤… … train of life. We take it for granted that the first two 3. 降生人世,我们就坐上了persons, our parents, whom 生命列车。我们以为我们we are encountered with, will accompany us all the way. 最先见到的那两个人4. Sadly,things do not go on as we thought.Our parents will ------我们的父母,会在get off the train at a certain 人生旅途中一直陪伴着station,leaving us, bereft and helpless.Their love and 我们。 emotion to us and their 4. 很遗憾,事实并非如此。irreplaceable company can be found in nowhere. 他们会在某个车站下车,5. However, there will be somebody else who will get on 留下我们,孤独无助。他the train. Some of them will 们的爱、他们的情、他们have special meaning to us. 6. Some of them may be our 不可替代的陪伴,再也无siblings , relatives and friends, and we will also 从寻找。 expereince the imperishable 5. 尽管如此,还会有其他人love. 7. Some of our travelling 上车。他们当中的一些人companions are quite light-hearted on the way. |
将对我们有着特殊的意8. While some may bear immense sorrow.Still 义。 some ,back and forth, are ready to hold out their hands 6. 他们之中有我们的兄弟for others who need help. 姐妹, 有我们的亲朋好友。9. Some people alight off the train, yet they are still kept in 我们还将会体验千古不the mind of the other passengers for long;some, to 朽的爱情故事。the opposite, leave their seats 7. 坐同一班车的人当中,有without being noticed. 10. Sometimes, the one,who is 的轻松旅行。dear to your heart, has huddled into another 8. 有的却带着深深的悲carriage. Nothing but one you 哀… … 还有的,在列车can do is just to keep on going, far away from him. 上四处奔忙,随时准备帮11. Of course, during the 助有需要的人… …journey, you may stagger to another carriage to look for 9. 很多人下车后,其他旅客him. 12. It’s a pity that you will never 对他们的回忆历久弥seat yourself beside him 新… … 但是,也有一些because the seat has been engaged by others. 人,当他们离开座位时,13. Never mind. The journey is full of challenges,dreams, 却没有人察觉。hopes and departures--- but 10.有时候,对你来说情深义only one thing is that you can’t turn back. So, have a 重的旅伴却坐到了另一good journey with heart and soul. 节车厢。你只得远离他,14. Show your good-will to all the 继续你的旅程。passengers you are encountered with, and find 11. 当然,在旅途中,你也可the merits of theirs. 15. Remeber that someone may 以摇摇晃晃地穿过自己oscillate just as we do in the 的车厢,去别的车厢找journey. 16. We should understand others 他… …just as we need others’ understanding. 12.可惜,你再也无法坐在他17. The enigma of life is:Where |
车的时候,我会留恋吗? |
会悲伤。 我执著地希望 20. 我下车后,和我同行 21. 献给你, 我生命列车上的 |