Reconfigurable logic device
专利名称:Reconfigurable logic device发明人:Masayuki Satou,Isao Shimizu申请号:US15046777申请日:20160308公开号:US09628084B2公开日:20170418
摘要:A reconfigurable logic device includes logic units and allows logic circuits to beformed according to configuration data. The logic units each include a configurationmemory that stores first and second configuration data, a first address input line throughwhich a clock is inputted as a first address for the configuration memory, a second
address input line through which an input of a data input line is inputted as a secondaddress for the configuration memory, a register unit that, according to the clock, readsthe second configuration data specified by the first address from the configurationmemory and retains the second configuration data, and outputs the first configurationdata in a previous state, and a multiplexer that, according to the first or secondconfiguration data outputted from the register unit, selectively combines a data inputfrom the data input line and a data output to a data output line.
申请人:Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd.
地址:Tokyo JP
代理机构:Chip Law Group
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