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【作文收藏】 高三英语作文写作范例

2024-08-28 来源:华佗小知识

写英语作文是初高中学生必备的一项基础能力。我们会在许多作文书上看到各种各样的优秀英语作文,作文,通常考察学生们的日常事物和文学的积累程度。想要写好作文,自己需要多看、多学、多写。哪些英语作文值得我们去学习和借鉴呢?懂您所需,小编用心整理的“【作文收藏】 高三英语作文写作范例”,供大家借鉴和使用,

With the approachment of life in university,choosing a suitable dorm becomes a hot topic among the freshmen。

As far as I am concerned,renting a flat close to the university will be a smarter choice。 Compared with school dorm,although the cost of 800 yuan per month is an extra load for the parents,it gives you more freedom as you live alone。 Brave and independent as I am,I will be satisfied with this way of live。 In addition,while the school dorm only provides one restroom on each floor,I can enjoy a comfortable bath in the flat。 What comes last is that you will never bother anybody or be bothered by others。 Since I am an early bird,I don’t want my reading in the morning to be a nightmare of my dormmates。

In conclusion,renting a flat is my best choice。 Of course you can make your own decision,and it all depends。


教你写写作: 高三英语作文:suggestion范本

在平时学习中写英语作文是一件非常常见的事情,网上其实有很多可以借鉴和学习的优质英语作文,作文,可以发挥学生的想象力,丰富情感。如果想把作文写好,自己肯定是要下功夫的。你知道写好一篇英语作文的关键是什么吗?急您所急,下面是小编为大家悉心准备的“教你写写作: 高三英语作文:suggestion范本”,希望您能阅读并收藏。

Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very

much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving.

Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesnt

sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He

shouldnt use the computer for a long time. He should do eye

exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.

[实用作文] 高三英语作文:Email模板

英语作文相信大家都写过吧,随着网络的发达,优秀英语作文随处可见,作文,可以发挥学生的想象力,丰富情感。好的作文能够体现作者的中心思想,我们可以看哪些比较优秀的英语作文呢?应您所求,小编尽心为大家收集整理的《[实用作文] 高三英语作文:Email模板》,欢迎转发阅读。

Hi Bruce!Thanks for your email. I am looking forward to the exchange too!You really dont have to worry a lot about the school rules here, but there are a few things you need to know.We usually wear uniforms on school days, but you can wear what is suitable and itll be kind of cold when youre here, so youd better bring some warm clothes.We are not allowed to use mobile phones at school. Besides, if we bring food to school, we must eat it outside during the break.Hope this helps. Tell me if theres anything else you want to know.Love?Li Lei

[实用作文] 高三英语文章其二

相信大家都写过英语作文吧,因为信息的快速发展其实我们可以看到更多的优质英语作文,作文,没有固定的内容,都是每个人有感而发。想要提高语文分数,作文首先就要把握好。我们可以学习哪些优质英语作文呢?知您所需,小编帮大家编辑的《[实用作文] 高三英语文章其二》,希望大家喜欢,你的支持是我们的动力!


however, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. she thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. he drank it slowly, and then asked, how much do i owe you?


you dont owe me anything, she replied. mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness. he said, then i thank you from the bottom of my heart. as howard kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but it also increased his faith in god and the human race. he was about to give up and quit before this point.

