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造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、When taking diagonal falls, pay attention to the rope in relation to your feet.(当你采取斜线坠落时,注意绳索和双脚的关系。)

2、The quantity measure data appears in the appropriate cells as a diagonal skew.(数量度量值数据在适当的单元中显示为对角斜线(diagonalskew)。)

3、the outside, the van is nondescript. It doesn't even have a diagonal red stripe.(从外表看,这辆厢式货车平淡无奇,甚至连一条红色斜纹都没有。)

4、Next, move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond.(下一个,在钻石的背面-正确的边移到对角线的区段。)

5、Kitty-corner definition is in a diagonal or oblique position.(“斜对角的”的定义是在一个对角线或斜的位置。)

6、The easy ones are on the diagonal: we both get B- if we both choose Alpha; we both get B+ if we both choose Beta.(在对角线上就更直观了:如果我们都选α的话得B-,如果我们都选β的话得B+。)

7、So, the level curve corresponding to zero is actually two diagonal lines.(0的等高线实际上是两条对角线。)

8、The unique column design has diagonal bracing at each end and tabs that bolt into the floors above and below.(独特的柱形设计在每一头都有对角线支撑,使其与上下楼层通过螺栓进行连接。)

9、Most web pages tend to be void of any strong diagonal compositions.(大多数web页往往缺乏明显的斜线构图。)

10、You need to consider the shape of the pocket, for instance, a diagonal or curved pocket, or a vertical pocket.(您需要考虑口袋的形状,例如对角线或弯曲口袋或垂直口袋。)

11、Additionally, Figure 2 does not have any diagonal lines, unlike Figure 1.(图2与图1的另一个不同之处在于它没有任何对角线。)

12、I grabbed a pair of diagonal cutters.(我拿了一对斜刀。)

13、There is this group of about half a dozen right down the diagonal middle of the periodic chart.(沿着周期表的对角线的中间有大约包含六个元素的元素组。)

14、So, the third guy is when we come back to the origin along the diagonal.(第三部分沿对角线回到原点。)

15、A line can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or zigzag.(线条可直可弯,可以垂直,可以水平,也可以是对角线或呈Z形。)

16、Then there is a diagonal pointer pointing to a 2.(然后有一个对角指针指向2。)

17、Corrugator supercilii can be divided into three types, the transversal, the diagonal and the diagonal separable types.(皱眉肌可分为横向型、斜向型、斜向分束型。)

18、The devices have screens with a diagonal dimension that is over 5 inches and may include screens that are as large as is practical for handheld use.(这些设备的屏幕对角线尺寸都超过了5英寸,可能还会包括大小与手持使用的实际尺寸一样大的屏幕。)

19、step 8: apply the opposite diagonal motion blur to the other star diffusion layer.(第八步:在另一个星光柔化图层上使用相反对角线的动态模糊效果。)

20、You can still see the diagonal marks of the ladders in the plaster on the inside walls.(你仍然可以看到内墙上的石膏上的梯子的对角线痕迹。)

21、That gives it a better sense of whether a stroke was intended to be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.(这样可以更好地判断笔画是水平的、垂直的还是对角的。)

22、Step 7: Apply a diagonal motion blur.(第七步:使用对角线动态模糊。)

23、The diagonal line across the upper right corner of the image is a road.(图中右上角的斜线则是一条公路。)

24、The horse starts out in a straight line and then it hops off on a diagonal.(马从一条直线出发,然后沿着对角线跳跃。)

25、We introduce concepts of diagonal quasi-convexity and quasi-concavity in hyperconvex metric spaces.(我们介绍了超凸度量空间中对角拟凸和拟凹的概念。)

26、Faint diagonal gradient over the "CJ" logo in the log-in box.(登陆框背景的“CJ”标志上方模糊的斜向渐变。)

27、The icon appears as two small squares that are in a diagonal.(图标显示为两个对角线上的小方块。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


