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regulation(EU)NO 1774/2002





regulation(EU)NO 1774/2002是欧盟欧洲议会和欧盟理事会对以下的发布以及解释.

Entry into force of the new EU rules on animal-by-procts

On 1 May 2003, Council Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 entered into force. The regulation introces new health rules concerning animal by-procts that are not intended for human consumption.

First and foremost, it is important to underscore that the rigorous measures required by the Regulation will also apply to Hong Kong exporters. However, the EU institutions agreed to offer third countries an extension of the transitional period. This means that Hong Kong and Chinese procers will have until 31 December 2003 to ensure that they comply with the new Regulation. The reason for this is that extra time is needed by the EU in order to introce the technical amendments to the import certificates, to notify the measures to the WTO and to allow a further period of consultation with third countries. During this period, the existing and still strict EU rules on imports will continue to apply.

The Regulation defines animal by-procts as the parts of a slaughtered animal that are not directly consumed by humans, including dead-on-farm animals and swill feeding (i.e., waste food originating from restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens) that contain or have been in contact with meat procts, whether cooked or uncooked. Some of these procts are used in animal proteins like meat-and-bone-meal, fats, gelatine, collagen, pet food and other technical procts, such as glue, leathers, soaps, fertilizers, etc. Hong Kong exporters should however note that the definition of animal by-procts is focused on the element of intention, i.e. whether or not the procts are intended for human consumption.

The new Regulation sets out the treatment regime for different types of animal by-procts. Animal by-procts are classified into three categories, based on their potential risk to animals, the public and/ or the environment. The new provisions set out how each category must or may be disposed of:-
High-risk Category 1 materials: these are animal by-procts that represent a TSE risk (i.e., a risk of all transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, except those occurring in humans); an unknown risk; a risk related to treatment with illegal substances or a risk related to environmental contaminants. Animal by-procts falling into this category must be completely disposed of as waste by incineration or landfill after appropriate heat treatment.

Lower risk Category 2 materials: this refers to animal by-procts presenting a risk related to animal diseases or resies of veterinary drugs. Procts in this category may be recycled for uses other than feed (e.g., biogas, composting, oleo-chemical procts, etc.) after appropriate treatment.

Category 3 materials: this refers to animal by-procts derived from healthy animals slaughtered for human consumption. Such animal by-procts may be used in the proction of animal feeds.

Hong Kong exporters engaged in related exports should be aware that the Regulation sets up a completely new approach for the use of animal by-procts. In the past, raw material of a lower health standard than the one used for human food was permitted for use in animal feeds. Now, this practice is prohibited, so that only material derived from animals declared fit for human consumption following veterinary inspection (i.e., Category 3 materials) may be used for the proction of animal feed. Moreover, swill feeding is now banned for farmed animals except for fur animals, and "cannibalism" within species is prohibited.

根据收到贸易伙伴的评议,G/SPS/N/EEC/103/Add.11(2006年3月17日)中通报的文本:"欧洲议会及理事会2002年10月3日非供人类消费用动物副产品规定卫生法规的第(EC)1774/2002号法规”(2002年10月10日官方公报L273, 第1-95页, 在2000年11月24日的G/SPS/N/EEC/103中通报),已被SANCO/10326/2005 Rev.8.替换。
I 2.1 消毒标准至少达到F03级;
2.2 两次采用HTST;
2.3 HTST要结合:
(a) 另一种物理处理方式,
(i) 对于作为饲料的乳类,干燥加工程序应结合72°C或以上的加热处理,或
部分 B(4)如下:


EU 是European Union 欧盟,欧洲联盟
欧盟条款 (条规)第1774/2002号
