It did not take long for the whole village to assemble at Abu Raja's dikkan.
Some of the rich villagers walked right into the store and stood at the elbows of the two important-looking men from the telephone company,
who proceeded with utmost gravity, like priests at Communion, to wire up the telephone.
The poorer villagers stood outside and listened carefully to the details relayed to them ,
by the not-so-poor people who stood in the doorway and could see inside.
"The bald man is cutting the blue wire," someone said.
"He is sticking the wire into the hole in the bottom of the black box," someone else added.
"The telephone man with the mustache is connecting two pieces of wire.
Now he is twisting the ends together," a third voice chimed in.
Because I was small, I wriggled my way through the dense forest of legs to get a firsthand look at the action.
Breathless, I watched as the men in blue put together a black machine that supposedly would make it possible to talk with uncles,
aunts, and cousins who lived more than two days' ride away.
It was shortly after sunset when the man with the mustache announced that the telephone was ready to use.
He explained that all Abu Raja had to do was lift the receiver,
turn the crank on the black box a few times, and wait for an operator to take his call.
Abu Raja grabbed the receiver and turned the crank forcefully. Within moments, he was talking with his brother in Beirut.
He didn't even have to raise his voice or shout to be heard.