when the football match finished, the players exchanged their shirts.
2.下雨时,这些树能起到一定程度的遮挡作用(give some shelter to)
when it rains, these trees can give somt shelter to some extent.
3.各种实物可以互相交换的经济叫做易货经济(in which)
the economy in which all kinds of objects can be exchanged is called commodity exchange econnmy.
4.*在街上设置路障以阻挡*的人群(set up)
the police set up road block to stop the processional crowds
5.在快餐店里.顾客无需为服务额外付费(pay extra fees for)
In the snap bar the customers needn't pay extra fees for service.
the bank is so slippery that he lost his balance and fell to the river.
This national day he plans to go to the seaside to enloy himself.
the company benefits a lot from the decedence of the loan interest.
You said you went to Australia. Can you put it more specific?
My fried only paid 20 dollars for the boots. But you charge 30 dollars to me. How do you want to settle the price difference?
DO you know the source of the Yellow River?
2.你经常旷课,你能想得出有什么理由解释吗?(think of)
Can you think of any excuses for your abcence from class?
Don't demand much ,or you will get nothing.
When we go to attend the meeing tommotrrow, remembe to remind me of taking the matereal.
"Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop.
1. when the football competition ended, two teams players exchanged the sports attire. when (excange) 2. rains, these trees can play the economical named which the certain extent the mask role (give some shelter to) 3. each material object may exchange mutually to exchange goods the economy (in which) Officer 4. on the street to establish the roadblock to prevent parade's crowd (set up) 5. in the fast-food restaurant. The customer does not need to serve the extra payment (pay extra fees for) six. the 1. river bank is very slippery, he loses balanced, falls into the river. 2. this National Day, he prepares the seashore to enjoy the idle time fully. the 3. loans interest drops causes this company to profit significantly. 4. you said that you once had gone to Australia, can you say concrete? 5. this kind of boots I the friend has only paid 20 US dollars, but you ask a price 30 US dollars to me, how does this price difference solve? seven. 1. you knew that Yellow River originates in where? (source) 2. you ditch school frequently, what reason explanation can you be able to find out have? (think of) the 3. request do not be too high. Otherwise, you also cannot obtain anything. (demand) 4. will exit tomorrow when will attend the conference, you remind me to take to bring with that material. (remind…of…when) the 5. child is not clever, do not go to manage him, soon he will not make. (ignore)
1. soccer competitions ended, two rows players exchange the sports attire
2. rains, these trees can play certain degree mask role
3. each material object may exchange mutually the economical named exchanges goods economical
4. police establish the roadblock on the street to prevent the parade crowd
5. in fast-food restaurant,The customer does not need for to serve extra pays expenses
1. river banks slide very much, he loses the balance, falls into the river
2. this National Days, he prepares the seashore to enjoy the idle time fully.
3. loans interests drop cause this company to profit non.
4. your said you once have gone to Australia, can you say concrete?
5. this kind of boots I the friend has only paid 20 US dollars, but you ask a price 30 US dollars to me, how does this price difference solve?
1. you knew Yellow River originates in where?
2. you ditch school frequently, you can be able to find out have any reason explanation?
3. requests do not have too to be high.Otherwise, you also cannot obtain any.
4. tomorrow will exit when will attend the conference, you remind me to take to bring with that material.
5. children not clever, do not go to manage him, he can not make soon.