Ladies and gentlemen
Good afternoon, today my topic is Academic integrity, starting with me。Academic integrity is a fundamental value upon which colleges and universities are built. Students, faculty and staff are expected to contribute frank opinions, and other academic exercises that are vital to sustaining the discussion and exchange of ideas. For learning and scholarship to thrive, academic communities cannot tolerate acts of academic dishonesty, such as cheating, misrepresentation.
there are four fundamental values that characterize an academic community of integrity:
Honesty. The quest for truth and knowledge requires intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research and service.
Trust. Academic institutions must foster a climate of mutual trust in order to stimulate the free exchange of ideas.
Fairness. All interactions among students, faculty and administrators should be grounded in clear standards, practices and proceres.
Respect. Learning is acknowledged as a participatory process, and a wide range of opinions and ideas is respected.
As graate students, academic integrity is particularly important in the future when We expected to service to others and our societies. So How do we maintain academic integrity?
First, We make the effort to understand what counts as dishonesty and why this is wrong. Then, We work hard to master the rules of academic disciplines and achieve personal academic outcomes that we can be proud .
Meanwhile, We appreciate the value of critical thinking and, a positive attitude, We take a problem-solving approach to learning, combining theory and practice in sophisticated ways
At last, we should have the habit of developing new ideas and new ways of seeing, understanding, expressing, and communicating